Castlevania: Nocturne

  • -/10
  • 2023

Castlevania: Nocturne (2023) is an upcoming American animated television series produced by Powerhouse Animation Studios and Project 51 Productions. It is a sequel to the critically acclaimed Castlevania series, and is set in 1792 during the French Revolution. The series follows Richter Belmont, a descendant of the Belmont family, his adoptive sister Maria Renard, and the dhampir Alucard as they face a new threat: a terrifying Vampire Messiah who promises to "eat the sun" and unleash an army of vampires and night creatures to crush the revolution and enslave humanity. The series will be directed by Sam Deats and Warren Ellis, and will feature a new voice cast, including Logan Browning as Richter Belmont, Jessica Brown Findlay as Maria Renard, and Richard Armitage as Alucard.

  • Edward Bluemel
  • Thuso Mbedu
  • Pixie Davies
  • Action



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